
Once your user has used the payment button and paid, it's time listening for webhooks.

Setup your URL

Navigate to your shop and click on the cogwheel bottom left. Click on the developer tab. Type your "Webhook URL" and click setup.

Automatic Retrying

We will continue to send webhook messages until we receive a 200 ok from the endpoint you've setup. Because of that we do recommend that you setup a check for duplicate transactions.

Each retry will be exponentially delayed depending on how many time the message failed, so we don't spam your servers.

Verify Signature

In each request we add a "RDG_WH_SIGNATURE" variable. You can use your secret key (found in the developers tab), to verify the request is from us.


define('SECRET_KEY', '123test');

$request= json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);

if (!check_signature($request)) {
    header("Status: 401 Unauthorized");

function check_signature($request) {
    return $signature === hash_hmac(
        $request['order']['transaction_id'] . $request['status'],

Payment Statuses

To see the payload the different statuses will send in the webhook, go to the next step below.

Last updated